Free Tuesday Yoga On Zoom 9 AM CST Contact zestandzen1@gmail.com

The Path To A Healthier You
As a Health coach and a Yoga Therapist, I like to know more about your lifestyle and challenges so as to guide you with specific techniques; some of which I have practiced for more than 25 years. With Zest in Life and Zen within you can heal and be energized.
Patanjali says be in Sthiram Sukham Asanam (steady and happy posture) when doing yoga. With tools like yoga, meditation, reiki, aromatherapy, ayurveda, accupressure and holistic health coaching I can guide you towards Sthiram Sukham Jeevanam (steady and happy life).

About Me
My yoga journey began as a child when I used to go with my mom for yoga courses in Goa, India.
Growing up, I also have memories of people doing yoga poses on the beautiful Goa beaches.
I vividly remember someone doing tree pose standing in the waves!!
I graduated as an Architect and at 22 years of age got married and joined my husband in
Muscat, Oman. Since then, it has been a roller coaster ride, as we moved pretty much every year
to Indonesia, France, Aberdeen, Dubai, Nigeria, Venezuela, Oman, Boston, Houston - along the
way learning new languages,cuisines, cultures, having my pregnancies, 2 babies and doing
multiple yoga and spiritual courses.Between yearly moves I was lucky to soak into so
many good things about the various cultures.
At 27 years of age with 2 little kids was my most spiritual learning year. That year, I was
fortunate to get Reiki 1 initiation in Dubai; over the years, this was followed by
Reiki 2 in Goa, Reiki 3 in Dubai, and then finally becoming a
Reiki Master a few years ago and Now I am a reiki Grand master.
That same year, thanks to my mom,
I did the 3-week Siddha Samadhi yoga course in Goa where I first got initiated into
meditation. That was followed by the Art of Living basic course in Oman. Over the years,
I was blessed to do 10-15 Art of Living courses including: 3 basic courses,
Sahaj meditation course, 3 advanced meditation courses in Guruji Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar’s presence, teacher public speaking course, Leadership course,
3 Yoga courses, and more.
Of all of the courses, The Sahaj meditation course completely changed me and I felt the
grace of God. I have been practicing that meditation regularly for 25 years now and it is
magic every time. I can’t express my gratitude, it is overflowing.
I was also blessed to do the Shaktipath from Siddha Yoga
(Gurumai- Swamy Chidvilasanad) in Pune with 100 plus people. One of the Kendra for
Siddha Yoga in Pune is at my in-laws’ house. Every week, they have Satsang and
Guru Geeta there. Few years ago, I trained to do Chinese massage using
aromatherapy and that year I also attained certification as a Hypnotherapist!
For 3 years I had the opportunity to do yoga demonstration in
Swamy Mukundanada’s Yoga sessions.
In 2015 I did a one year course with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition
and am a certified health coach .The same year I attended advanced
pranayama course, with Swamy Vidhyadhishanand and received initiation from
him into the Kriya Laya meditation. YICC course 2017 with Vyasa was the one of the
highlights of my life. With dedicated teachers Vishwaroop ji and Smitha ji and a
great group of co students I got my teachers training certificate. It was a very different
experience and our group is still so connected.
Yoga, Reiki, and meditation have been a blessing to me and they
have been a part of me now for more than 25 years. Every cell in my body is
grateful and wondering how I am so lucky to have it all came to me. I sincerely
pray that it reaches all the people in this world. It has helped
me tremendously while raising my kids, particularly in some of the
countries where we lived, which did not have good medical facilities.
My interest in the Yoga Therapy course was developed because I feel the need to know and
understand more of how to apply yoga to help others. I wanted to gain
specific insights into this vast knowledge to be more effective. I completed my 3 year intensive yoga therapy training with S-Vyasa in August 2021 and now am a Certified Yoga therapist . I feel God has
provided me opportunities very easily in life. It is my humble prayer to him that
with all that he has given me, others can use it too. I want to learn more and
to share this knowledge with others, to help them help themselves.